It's the husband Vinzenzo Probello (73) that died, who was married to Margarita. Can't read her last name for sure, might be written wrong.
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Thank you.
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Thank you.
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Karen said you all don't mind if I keep asking questions, so here's another one. Does this say that Francesca Nastasi was born on 7 january 1894?
Thank you!
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It's 1895-07-07 @ 02:00.
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Thanks. Here's another one.
It's the birth notice of Vincenzo Nastasi. His father is Pasquale Nastasi, and mother Francesa Caravello. But I can't figure out their ages or professions or domicile. Or anything else personal that it says about them. Would you mind helping me with these, too. Thank you so much.
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His profession is 'ferraro', age = 27, domicile = Fuoriporta, Messina. Her age is 30, lived with him, and based on the writing I assume her profession to be housewife. They were married. Birth happened in-house 1865-12-07 @ 23:00 with the baptism two days later.
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WOW! Hopefully I'll get the hang of this soon. It's harder than the other languages I've learned. I think it's just the handwriting. I have a handwriting sample list, but so far it's not helping much. Thank you. I also tried to translate "ferraro" earlier, but it just came up "ferraro." Oh, blacksmith, because "fe" is iron.
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Ok. I'm REALLY trying...... What is the domiciliato of Vincenzo Caravello? And who is the mother? Is she 22? What is her profession, and her domiciliato? Anything else relevant that I need to know? THANK YOU!
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- Strada Borgo;
- Santa Tricamo?
- Yes;
- Doesn't say;
- With husband;
- Post the links to records instead of tiny images.
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Ok. I don't know how to do that, but I will try to figure it out.
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Does this help?
Looks like Santa Tricaino? Is that an Italian name?