Help translating death record
Hello, can anyone help with reading and translating the record for Elizabetha Rósza, wife of Lucas Lauko (No. 7, from JUL 17). This handwriting is my enemy. What does the note say? I suppose it's in Latin, no idea if there's any Hungarian in it. Thank you!
7. Jul~ 16. Elisabetha Rózsa Lucae Lauko coloni uxor. Farnad Nro~ __. foem~, Hectica. SS~ p~visa. 18. Jul~. Fran~ Listner parochus. E parochia Marczal cottus~ Neograd~ ad Farnadensem per suam Eminensiam 6? nominatus et investitus.
7. Jul. 16
Elisabetha Rózsa, wife of Lucas Lauko farmer
Residence: Farnad number __
female, age 28 years
Cause: hectica (one of the many names of TB)
Last rites: provided
Burial: 18 July
Officiant: Franciscus Listner parson
Observations: (can't quite figure out the Latin: something about from or out of the church in Marczal in the county of Nógrád to/for Farnad by its/his Eminence, then what looks like the number 6, then "named and invested"?)
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I'm thinking the remark doesn't actually have anything to do with Elisabeth and Lucas: it's where the handwriting and the officiant change, so I think Father Listner came to Farnad from a previous post in Nógrádmarcal.
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Ah thank you Julia. You are right about the handwriting. As far as my research says, Lucas' nor Elisabeth's family haven't left Farnad in generations so it may as well be about Father Listner.