Seeking Translation Help - Wenzel Hudor
Hello -
I am seeking help to translate a church record for Wenzel Hudor. He is the first record on the attached document. I'm sorry that I do not have the linked record. I appreciate the help. I'm new to searching records outside of the US and am trying to find my mystery grandmother who was born somewhere in the Austria-Hungary Empire.
Thank you,
Date: Sept (either 3 or 5, I'd say; I cannot quite make it out)
Child: Wenzel
Huder Wenzel, katholisch,
Mühlenbesitzer zu Jungbuch,
ehelicher Sohn des Constantin
Huder, Müllers zu
Lindenau Nr 87, Bezirk
Haida und dessen Ehe-
gattin Juliane, geborene
Dürich, aus Hühnervasser
Bezirk Jungbunzlau
Huder Wenzel, catholic, Miller (owner) in Jungbuch, legitimate son of Constantin Huder, Miller in Lindeau No 87, district Haida, and his wife Juliane née Dürich of Hühnervasser, District Jungbunzlau
(Hühnervasser is spelt wrongly, it's actually Hühnerwasser, today's Kuřívody)
?Albina, katholisch verwitwete
Seidel, eheliche Tochter des Carl
Pieschel, Mühlverwalter in
Niederlangenau Nr 8 und
dessen Ehegattin Klara
geborene Gottwald aus
Hohenelbe Nr 271 Bezirk
(?)Albina, catholic, widowed Seidel, legitimate daughter of Carl Pieschel, Mill Administrator in Niederlangenau No 8, and his wife Clara née Gottwald of Hohenelbe No 271, District Hohenelbe
I hope this help.
1 -
@StH31 - Thank you very much. I did not know that this Wenzel existed, so I appreciate your help with confirming the parents' names. Thank you.