Help with Translation of Hungarian Marriage Record

I could use help with the translation of this Hungarian marriage record:
It is the record of 7 Feb 1841
I believe the groom is Janos Noval son of Istvan Novak and the bride is Katalin Szilagyi daughter of Gyorgy Szilagyi.
Please confirm the name of the bride and groom and their parents. Any other information that can be interpreted from the record will be appreciated.
Thank You
Lou Klapka
Miglior Risposta
2. Febr. 7. János Novák, born in Nádasd in Abaúj county, of the Helvetic confession, son of the late Ádám Novák, having engaged as his future spouse Katalin, resident here in Csány, of the Helvetic confession, maiden daughter of György Szilágyi the elder, after the lawful three announcements were married before Mátyás Varga church warden, István Szilágyi, János Szilágyi, and András Mestellér(?) witnesses by János Benda assistant preacher.
Thank you, agaim, for your accurate and timely translation of this marriage record. I appreciate it very much.
Lou Klapka