Looking for a place names Csorbato
In this attached birth document, it is stated that the couple (my ggrand-parents) were living in Csorbató, Krassó-Szörény vármegye. I have not been able to find a town or village by that name in that county, but in Liptó vármegye in the north, in present day Slovakia. Could the registrar have made a mistake or is there a place by this name in K-Sz county? My ggrandfather was a miner, if that helps.
It does seem like an error has been made, either in the placename or in the county, because like you, the only Csorbató ("lake Csorba") that I can find in any of the gazetteers or maps is in Liptó county.
His occupation is more likely in Krassó-Szörény county: the 1900 census counted 13 coal mines, employing 4573 people, and three metal (iron) mines employing 885 people there, whereas Liptó county had just one gold- and silver-mine, employing 223 people, in Németlipcse. To my utter surprise, their religion of Greek Catholic is also more likely in K-Sz: Dvorzsák's gazetteer lists no Greek Catholic churches in Liptó county, but nearly three dozen of them in Krassó-Szörény.
The mining towns according to the census document were: coal-mines in Dognácska, Szászkabánya, Berzészka, Moldova, Csiklovabánya, Oraviczabánya, Stájerlakanina, Eibenthal, Mehádia, Domán, and Resiczabánya, and iron mines in Dognácska, Vaskő, and Ruszkabánya.