1819 Confirmation record Gunnild Olsdatter, request help
I hope that someone can help me understand some of the information given on a confirmation record for Gunnild Olsdatter from the Biri, Oppland parish records. The farm name is given under Gunnild Olsdr's name and again under her mother Mari Madsdr's name. (It appears to have another word in front of it under the mother's name.)
To me, it appears to be "Niedjetstuen" but I cannot find a farm with a similar name in Biri, Oppland.
My questions are:
1) What is the name of the farm/residence?
2) What is the word before the farm name under the mother's name.
3) I read the word "Enke" (widow) before the mother's name. Is that correct?
4) It appears the baptism date given is the 25th Sunday after Trinity. Is that correct and what date was that?
The full document can be found here:
Any help you can provide will be very much appreciated.
- The name of the place is 'Undsetstuen'. A place under the farm 'Undset'.
- The word before 'Undsetstuen' under her mothers name is 'Inderst'. A google translation of an explanation of 'Inderst': 'An ‘Inderst’ was a person who rented a room or house from others and had his own household. The term was used in the peasant society from the middle of the 17th century to the beginning of the 20th century.The word does not in itself say anything about the person's social status, as also people from the upper social strata could be ‘inderster’. The vast majority, however, belonged to the lowest social strata of society. ‘Inderster’ had no land to use, and they usually made a living by practicing a craft or by working on the farms. ‘Inderster’ were often older single people, either unmarried or widows and widowers who may have had some children with them. In the 19th century, it became more common for young married couples with young children to have the status of ‘inderst’.
- 'Enke' (widow) is correct.
- In 1804, 25th Sunday after Trinity was Sunday 18th November.
- Here is a link to were you can check the old calendar naming: https://youronlineroots.com/helligdager.php
Aud Marit Klokkhammer
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Thank you so much! I appreciate it very much!