Could you help with translation?
Hi, I am researching my husbans family tree, but have really come stuck in reading the old Czech text,
The names are: Franziska Hallick born 1869? Father Albrecht Hallick, Mother Maria Zalud (Zaludove or Zudobda) bornin Pernc
I would appreciate if you could help especially the text at the bottom Emma birth certificate.
thank you so much
I have attached all the documents I have been able to locate, but an not 100% sure that these are the correct ones relating to our family.
Thank you so much
Capture.PNG death certificate F Juza.PNG
Capture.PNG Franziska H Birth Cert. 2.PNG
Capture.PNG Franziska H Birth Cert..PNG
Miglior Risposta
@CarolJackson-Doerge The third record is Emma Juza’s mother’s (Franziska’s) baptismal record:
Name of the child: Franziska
Date of birth: 6 Nov 1869
Date of baptism: 9 Nov 1869
Catholic, female, legit. child
Father: Albrecht Hallick, citizen and locksmith in Türmitz, house number 43, leg. son of Joseph Hallick, citizen and locksmith in Türmitz, house number 43, and of Thekla Rosenkranz, daughter of a teacher in Schönfeld, number 4.
Mother: Maria Žalud, leg. daughter of Wenzel Žalud, day labourer in Perutz, house number 50, and his wife Maria Pleticha from Perutz, h. number 34.
@CarolJackson-Doerge Here are Emma Juza's birth certificate details:
Emma was born on 19 Jul and baptized on 2 Aug 1896.
House number: 174
Catholic, female
Name of the midwife: Agnes Krans in Schönpriesen
Father: Johann Juza, worker in Schönpriesen, number 174, legit. son of Johann Juza, blacksmith in Schönpriesen, number 174, and of Anna Svoboda from Chýnov, number 101
Mother: Franziska Hallick, leg. daughter of Albrecht Hallick, locksmith in Türmitz, number 43, and of Maria Žalud, daughter of a worker from Perne, number 30
Godparents: Emma Dietl from Schönpriesen, number 177
Witnesses: Maria Bernd from Türmitz, Heinrich Kittel from Schönpriesen, Ida Weber from Türmitz
At the bottom, there are some notes added in 1931.
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@CarolJackson-Doerge Here are the details of the second record - the death record of Emma Juza's mother, I believe:
Death record of Františka (Franziska) Juzova (Juza) wife of Jan Juzu (Juza), engineer from Mor. Ostrava, daughter of Albrecht Hallick , locksmith from Tyrmice (Türmitz), and of Marie Žaludové (Žalud).
Death day: 7 Mar 1901
Burial day: 9 Mar 1901
Female, age 31
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Thank you so much for your help, this is appreciated.
Re notes at the bottom of Emma's birth certificate. The content feels very important, could you advise the best way to get this content also translated?
Thank you
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@CarolJackson-Doerge This is what I could translate from the bottom of the birth certificate:
"1st May 1931 in Oberleutensdorf (which seems to be the German name of the Czech town Litvínov):
The adoption deed of 13th Feb 1931 made in Oberleutensdorf between the married couple Julius and Emma Dietl, leatherman in Oberleutensdorf, and Mrs. Emma Haas […] in Oberleutensdorf, was completed, in which the adopted took the surname of Dietl-Haas. Mrs. Emma Haas, née Juza, was born on 19 Jul 1896 in Schönpriesen.
At the Schönpriesen parish, on 10 Oct 1931"
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wow, thank you this is a new dimention
Am I reading this correctly that Julius Dietl and Emma adopted the name Dietl-Haas
Therefore Julius and Emma were a married couple?
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@CarolJackson-Doerge What I understood is that the married couple were Julius and Emma Dietl, and the adoption deed was done between the following parties: 1) (the married couple) Julius and Emma Dietl, and 2) (Mrs) Emma Haas, and after the adoption, the surname of the adopted changed to Dietl-Haas (however, it's not quite clear from the text who was the adopted).
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There are at least two different Emmas: Emma Juza, born in 1896, who apparently became Mrs. Haas, and Emma Dietl, who was the other Emma's godmother. The latter is very likely the same person as Emma the wife of Julius Dietl. In 1931, Julius and Emma Dietl adopted the adult-and-married Emma Haas nee Juza, at which time the latter became Emma Dietl-Haas.
I keep encountering these adult adoptions. It is my impression that they were essentially elder-care contracts: in exchange for their monetary support, the (presumably childless) older couple would have someone to take care of them in their old age.
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@CarolJackson-Doerge I have also noticed that "Emma Dietl from Schönpriesen" is also the name of Emma Juza's godmother (written on Emma Juza's birth certificate).
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Dear Julia and Kamilla
Thank you so much, this is very helpful
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@Julia Szent-Györgyi Thanks, Julia, this is what I understood, too (it just seemed a bit strange).
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I agree with the wonderful translations and explanations provided by @KamillaKovacs3 and @Julia Szent-Györgyi. A couple of additions to the 1896 birth record:
Emma's father, Johann Juza, is listed as born on 12 January 1868; Emma's mother, Franziska Hallick, is listed as born on 6 November 1869; and Emma's parents are listed as married on 10 October 1893 in Türmitz (see linked marriage record).
The note under Emma's name states:
Laut Beschluß des Bezirksgericht in Oberleutensdorf Ab. b.(?) I von 1/5 1931 ist der Adoptionsvertrag von 13/2 1931 in Oberleutensdorf welcher zwischen den Eheleuten Julius und Emma Dietl Lederhändler in Oberleutensdorf und Frau Emma Haas, Witwe in Oberleutensd., geschaffen wurde und nach welchen die Adoptierte(?) den Namen Dietl-Haas zu führen hat genehmigt worden. Frau Emma Haas geb. Juza ist am 19/7 1896 in Schönpriesen geboren worden. Pfarramt Aussig-Schönpriesen von 10/10 1931 Heyer, Pfarrer.
Translated, this means:
According to the decision made by the district court in Oberleutensdorf [Ober Leutensdorf, in the parish of Litvinov Horni, Leitmeritz] Ab. b.(?) I from 1 May 1931, the adoption contract from 13 February 1931 in Oberleutensdorf was approved, which was created between the married couple Julius and Emma Dietl (leather merchants in Oberleutensdorf) and Mrs. Emma Haas (widow in Oberleutensdorf), according to which the adoptee is to bear the name Dietl-Haas. Mrs. Emma Haas née Juza was born in Schönpriesen [Krasne Brezno] on 19 July 1896. Parish office Aussig-Schönpriesen from 10 October 1931, pastor Heyer.
Since the adoption contract is between the couple (Julius and Emma Dietl) and the widow Mrs. Emma Haas née Juza, not between a couple and a child, it does sound like Emma Haas née Juza becomes known as Emma Dietl-Haas née Juza. I think Julia's right that it's a sort of adult adoption.
I hadn't noticed that Emma Juza's godmother, Emma Dietl, might be one of the people in the adoption note. She's listed in the baptismal record as living in Schönpriesen number 174, and the adoption note states she was living in Oberleutensdorf (which is in the parish of Horni Litvinov) in 1931. Based on that info, I found the 23 April 1896 marriage record of Julius Bernard Dietl and Emma Swarovský in Ober Leutensdorf (Horni Litvinov parish); the marriage record (linked) lists Julius's address as Schönpriesen number 174, which shows that the Emma in the marriage record is the same Emma who is the godmother of Emma Juza. Both Emmas apparently died after 1943, because they're not showing up in the Horní Litvínov death index, which goes through 1943 online, but Julius is listed simply as Julius Dietl in his death record (linked); this helps verify that the Dietl-Haas surname was adopted by Emma Haas née Juza, not by Julius Dietl and Emma Swarovský .
It always helps to have a link to the record online as well (both to compare handwriting in similar records written by the same person and because the image quality is often better), so here's the link to Emma's 1896 birth record for future reference: (the link is generated by clicking on the "direct link to scan" button at the top center of the webpage containing the record).
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Thank you all for our support back in March.
I am not sure if the records I found for Maria Zuoboda - Zalud is the correct one. I am trying to go as far as possible re my husbands ancertary as I dearly would love to produce a book for him in cenbration of of 82nd birthday at the end of October therefore would really value support in locating the records.
Please see previous emails for the trail