I would like help translating an 1839 Pomeranian blacksmith-guild record of journeyman Ziemer
1839 in Corlin (Körlin) Pomerania, Heinrich Ziemer, age 17, became a journeyman blacksmith. His father, Christian Carl Ziemer was a master blacksmith.
It is the left-side record. I have more pages of same handwriting and format if that would help.
I know guild records vary greatly. Is there a list of common vocabulary used? Thanks.
Miglior Risposta
Verhandelt Cörlin den 20 Deobembr? 1839
In der heutigen Zusammenkunft des löblichen Schmiede Gewerbes, erscheint der Mitmeister Ziemer und trägt vor:
Sein Sohn, der Lehrbursche Heinrich Ziemer, habe seine Lehrjahre beendigt, und wolle deshalb bitten denselben, da er die erforderlichen Kenntnisse und Geschicklichkeit besitzt, zum Gesellen zu erklären, und resp. frei zu sprechen.
Alterleute hatten gegen die Freisprechung nichts einzuwenden und ist demnach der Ziemer, nachdem ihm zuvor die Pflichten eines Gesellen bekannt gemacht, und er solche angelobt, hiermit öffentlich zum Gesellen proklamiert.
Negotiated Cörlin 20 December 1839
In today's meeting of the laudable blacksmith trade, the co-master Ziemer appears and presents:
His son, the apprentice Heinrich Ziemer, has completed his years of apprenticeship, and he wants to ask, since he has the necessary knowledge and skill, to proclaim him a journeyman, and to declare him free.
The seniors had no objection to the release and Ziemer, after having been made aware of the duties of a journeyman and having pledged such, is hereby publicly proclaimed a journeyman.
Comment: This is the first guild record I translate, so I don't know what is common in such. Some words seem to be typical or special: Alterleute (senior members of the guild), Freisprechung (declaration of successful completion of apprenticeship) and freisprechen (the corresponding verb).
Thank you very much. It says what I thought it would say. But the details are very interesting. I understand now why I had such a difficult time deciphering it. In addition to unusual words, many words are written to look like two separate words. Thank you for your comment. Google Translate says that Freisprechung is a judicial word meaning acquittal, which fits with the meaning of release from apprenticeship. I greatly appreciate your help. Heinrich was my 3rd great-grandfather; his blacksmith son Robert emigrated in 1869.