Johann Scholl spon 1 top left 21 Feb 1787 film 102078348 page 637
Kent Gardiner
Translation request:
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Good morning @Kent Gardiner.
On the 21st of February [1787] in the morning at 6:00 am born and on the 22nd of the same month baptized: Magdalena [Braun].
Father: Christoph Braun, the local citizen and master tailor.
Mother: Maria Sidonia, née Grünenmeierin.
Baptismal witnesses: (1) Johann Martin Scholl, the local citizen and master cooper, and (2) his wife Magdalena, née Roeschin. (3) Elisabetha, née Zimmermännin, surviving legitimate daughter of the late Adam Zimmermann, former citizen here.
Right column: died 6 February 18??.
Perfect, thanks Robert. Lots of great info. Kent
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You're welcome, KG.
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