Translation help marriage record year 1869
I appreciate some help to finish the transcription and translation of the marriage record (entry 8) from Satow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin. I'm especially interested in column 7 and the bride's father and his occupation and residence because I think it says North America. If that's correct, it will help confirm the immigration in 1868 of Hans Joachim Range and a Hamburg Passenger Lists record I found for him and some of his family. Thank you.
Copulierte in Jahr 1868 & 1869
Num: (Numerale): 8
Monat u. (und) Tag der Copul: (Copulierte): Octob: (October) 1 1869
Sonntags der Proclam: (Proclamation) order Datum der Dispensation: ?
Name des Bräutigam: Christian Joachim Friedrich Brüshaver, ?, in G?; geb: (geboren) 1838 Jul: (July) 27
Name des Braut: Maria Christina Henrika Range, in ?, geb. (gerboren) 1841 Decb: (December) 17
Voriger Ehestand: [blank]
Vater des Bräutigam (bei unehelich Gerborene der Mutter): Joachim Heinrich Brüshaver, der Arbeitsmann in G?
Vater des Braut: Hans Joachim Range, ? in Nord Amerika
Name des cop. (copulierte) pred. (prediger): ?
Marriages in Year 1868 & 1869
Number: 8
Month and day of marriage: October 1st 1869
Sundays of Proclamation or Date of Dispensation: ?
Name of Groom: Christian Joachim Friedrich Brüshaver, ?, in G?; born 27th July 1838
Name of Bride: Maria Christina Henrika Range, in ?, born 17th December 1841
Previous marital status: [blank]
Father of Groom (for illegitimate births of the mother): Joachim Heinrich Brüshaver, the Arbeitsmann in G?
Father of Bride: Hans Joachim Range, ? in North America
Name of wedding preacher: ?
Miglior Risposta
Hello Debra, my additions on bold to your as usual already excellent transcription and translation:
Copulierte in Jahr 1868 & 1869
Num: (Numerale): 8
Monat u. (und) Tag der Copul: (Copulation): Octob: (October) 1 1869
Sonntage der Proclam: (Proclamation) oder Datum der Dispensation: Zufolge einer Dispensation vom kirchlichen Aufgebot vom Oberkirchenrath Schwerin vom 28. Sept. 1869
Name des Bräutigam: Christian Joachim Friedrich Brüshaver, vormaliger Statthalter, zu Gerdeshagen; geb: (geboren) 1838 Jul: (July) 27
Name der Braut: Maria Christina Henrika Range,zu Rederank, geb. (geboren) 1841 Decb: (December) 17
Voriger Ehestand: [blank]
Vater des Bräutigam (bei unehelich Geborenen der Mutter): Joachim Heinrich Brüshaver,
derArbeitsmann zu GerdeshagenVater des Braut: Hans Joachim Range, Tagelöhner in Nord Amerika
Name des cop. (copulierenden) Pred. (Predigers): Vort.?
Marriages in Year 1868 & 1869
Number: 8
Month and day of marriage: October 1st 1869
Sundays of Proclamation or Date of Dispensation: According to a dispensation from the banns by the senior church council Schwerin of Sept. 28, 1869
Name of Groom: Christian Joachim Friedrich Brüshaver, former govenor/placeholder?, in Gerdeshagen; born 27th July 1838
Name of Bride: Maria Christina Henrika Range, in Rederank, born 17th December 1841
Previous marital status: [blank]
Father of Groom (for illegitimate births of the mother): Joachim Heinrich Brüshaver, workman in Gerdeshagen
Father of Bride: Hans Joachim Range, day labourer in North America
Name of wedding preacher: Vort.?
Thank you for your words about my transcriptions and translations. And for the help and answers to my "many" questions from you and other first-class translators in the group.
The information that Hans was living in North America at the time of his oldest daughter's marriage really connects the dots about his immigration. I have a question about the groom Christian. I did more research and found him in the 1867 census living in Gerdshagen with his parents and his occupation was indexed as Stellmacher (wheelwright; wagonmaker). What do you think is the meaning of Christian's occupation vormaliger Statthalter (former governor/place holder) in the marriage record? Thank you again.
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What do you think is the meaning of Christian's occupation vormaliger Statthalter (former governor/place holder) in the marriage record?
Hello Debra,
I also wondered about this. Statthalter means a person standing in for somebody else, usually a high-ranking person. It is unclear to me what this occupation shall mean in the context here.
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Thank you for explaining the meaning of Statthalter. I put the question on the shelf and perhaps later will find a record for Christian that has information about this occupation.