Matthias Metzler Death 28 May 1849 Film 8103184 number 4
@Ulrich Neitzel Sorry about that. I can't find the page number, but hopefully this image will work.
Can someone please check my work? I have transcribed and translated it, except for a couple of words, such as "grand ducal physicist"? I'm guessing I have that wrong. I also don't see any cause of death which is disappointing.
Bl. (Blasiwald) Winterseite
Im Jahre achtzenhundert vierzig und neun den acht und zwanzigsten Mai, vormittags zwölf Uhr starb in Blasiwald und würde mit genehmigung des grossherzoglichen physiketes? in SK? (Sankt) Blasien den dreizigsten Mai, vormittags zehn Uhr von Unterzeichneten beerdignt: Matthias Metzler, alt sechtszig und neun Jahre, Landwirth, Ehemann der verstorbenen Katharina Mayer, Bürger in Blasiwald.
Zeugen sind: Andreas Munchenberger? Landwirth, und Jakob Metzler, Landwirth, beide Bürger in Blasiwald.
SK? (Sankt) Blasien den 30 sten Main 1849.
___ Pfarramt Braun
Bl. (Blasiwald) Winterseite
In the year 1849 May 28th, twelve o'clock in the morning died in Blasiwald and was buried with the permission of the grand ducal physicists?? in Sankt Blasian May 30th, ten o'clock in the morning by? undersigned: Matthias Metzler, aged 69 years, farmer, husband of the late Katharina Mayer, citizen of Blasiwald.
Witnesses are: Andreas Munchenberger? Farmer, and Jakob Metzler, farmer, both citizens of Blasiwald.
Sankt Blasien May 30th, 1849.
__? Rector Braun
Migliori Risposte
The attached image seems to be the wrong one (contains marriages 1802-1820).
I cannot access the document in the FS link.
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@Ulrich Neitzel I added the image above. Hopefully, that works. Thanks!
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already answered.