Looking for help translating old script? The family member is Roschlein.
Johann Paul Michael Roschlein
Nurnberg, Bayern, Deutschland
Birth date 17 Nov 1875
Parent's name, town and Church would be great
Thank you for your time
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Translation (column headings in bold):
No.: 301
name of the child: Röschlein, Johann Paul Michael
type of birth, dead or alive: 2. child, reg[ular], Simon (probably the name of the midwife)
name of the father: Röschlein, Johann Paul
status of the father, religion: master joiner, lutheran
district office, county court, residence, number of the house: S 698
name of the mother: Rosina née Streb(?)
status of the mother, religion: wife, lutheran
district office, county court, residence, number of the house: S 698
time of birth, hour, day, month, year: 17 November [1875] 6:30 pm
day of baptism, district office, county court: 25 November, church
pastor or substitute: Seiler
sponsor's name, occupation, residence: Johann Paul Michael Röschlein, master baker, ?
his substitute's name, residence: Magdalena Letsch, sexton's daughter
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That is wonderful. Thank you very much