Transcription help
In this 1850 death entry from Pommern, I can't read the words before and after "Ehe" in the third entry, right-hand column. I read: "die Wittwe, 6 Kinder, 4 aus ..... Ehe, von... noch 2 minorene sind." Are the 4 from an earlier marriage, or could it mean the 4 are themselves married? It may seem like a minor point, but is important in putting this family together correctly. Thanks!
Miglior Risposta
The text is:
"die Wittwe, 6 Kinder, 4 aus der dritten Ehe, von denen noch 2 minorenn sind"
the widow, 6 children, 4 are from the third marriage, of which 2 are still under legal age (21 years)
Thanks! Looks like dritten was spelled "daritten". Elsewhere in this book, "Eltern" is spelled "Aeltern". Always learning something new! Thanks again.
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