Emmigration records
Are there official records, like a census, of people who left Ireland in the 19th century & who went to Scotland & Liverpool? My maternal great great grandfather appears on a Birkenhead, UK, census, in 1891, age 62, born in Ireland, a widow with a daughter who was married to a Scot. I can’t get beyond that. His name George White doesn’t give much to go on.
A very good question - no and yes is one answer. The distance from Scotland (West coast) to Ireland (County Antrim) is around 20 miles in places and people constantly moved back and forth between the two countries. For economic reasons there was a lot of movement from Ireland to Glasgow & Liverpool and beyond. Travel like that wasn't really recorded. Passenger lists from Ireland to Canada, USA etc had a better chance of being recorded albeit that it was more likely to be recorded in the port of arrival than the port of departure. It seems like many of these records are fragments rather than a satisfactory database. You can try the links below.
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Thanks Hayter, I'll check these out.