Do you see mention of surname Tonn?
See the bottom of the right page.
Looking for any mention of Tonn or Effa in this collection if you want to take it one step further. Thank you!
Hi Angela,
I can see how the word on the bottom right of the page might look a bit like Tonn, but it's actually part of the ending of the document. If you arrow back to image 5, you'll see the same exact paragraph repeated at the end of the other document.
If it helps, it looks like most of the names of the important people in the documents are underlined (and sometimes have the Polish (written in the Latin alphabet) variants in parentheses next to it.
Are you looking for a birth, marriage, or death record in particular for someone with this surname?
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Thank you! I am looking for August Effa and his wife Olga Tonn. They would have been married around 1902. I'm hoping to find their marriage record in hopes of learning who Olga's parents are. One ancestry tree identifies her parents as Emanuel Tonn and Emilie Guse. Emanuel's parents are listed as Georg Tonn and Beata Sommerfledt, but no sources to support this. August Effa and Olga Tonn had two known children born in Poland, Edmund (11 October 1903) and Alex (14 August 1905) and they were likely born in Mogilnica, Siedliszcze, Chelmski, Lubelskie. In the 1911 Canada Census they listed their religion as Baptist. I know that Georg Tonn was listed in the Evangelical records of Lublin and so sometime between his death in 1877 and 1911 the family converted to Baptist. I'm having a difficult time finding any Effa family in the area. A few Tonn/ Tom/ Tomm's are around, but I can't find any children to Georg and Beata in the area. I'd really like to confirm whether Emanuel was a son of Georg.
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Have you been able to locate the birth records of Edmund or Alex? Finding those records might give you some clues that will help you in finding their marriage record.
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Thank you Ellie! I haven't been able to find birth records for them. A little more digging I was able to determine that Olga had two sisters that did live in Mogilnica in the EWZ/ Stammblätter records. I was able to confirm Olga's parents as Emanuel Tonn and Emilie Guse. I think that they were likely married around 1880-1882. I found another record that may be a Tonn. What do you think is that Emanuel Tonn?