Answered: Please translate this record (Marie Claude Daval)
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I discovered this record, and I need help to determine if this is the Baptism record of my 4th great-grandmother, Marie Claude Daval. Any help with names and dates for this record will be helpful.
DEar Joan Custer,
It's the translation requested:
On the twenty-first of february one thousand seven hundred and eighty-five, we baptized Marie Daval, daughter of Benoit Daval and Félicité Delorme, shoe makers in the village of Saint Point, the godfather being François Duffange, maternal uncle living in the hamlet of la Chanal who signed, the godmother Marie Laplace, wife of Jacques Delorme, our inhabitant who did not sign (Genillon priest)
Best regard
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Thank you. This does not appear to be my 4th great-grandmother.