update tree with new GEDCOM
I used a GedCom file in 2015 to initially put a tree on FS. Since then I have added individuals 1 by 1 on occasion. My tree on Ancestry I have added 400 more people since 2015. I want to upload a new GedCom tree from my Ancestry tree. Can I just upload a new Gedcom? adding 400 new people would be overwelming. What do you suggest I do?
I think my 1st Gedcom was in Family Tree. I wanted to upload a new Gedcom from my Ancestry tree that has 400 additional persons. I'll try to check which option my 1st gedcom file is in.
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If you are trying to put them on the Family Tree, you will have to verify that there are no duplicates one by one. Ancestry (assuming you are using an LDS account) also has an interface with Family Search that allows you to transfer one at a time, checking for duplicates already in the Family Tree. Definitely more time consuming than just adding a big GEDCOM file as a batch (which you can still do to the Genealogies part of Family Search but that does not allow for ordinances to be done) but easier than trying to copy and paste info from Ancestry over to Family Search.
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@Cynthia Susan Law
The real question is ...
How many of those 400 or so individuals/persons that you have added to your personal 'Tree' in "Ancestry.com" are ALREADY in the SINGLE "One" World "Tree", for all of us, that is "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" - to which we only have some "Branches"?
Have you even checked a selection of those 400 or so individuals/persons to see if they are already in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch"?
If you have not, you may be surprised.
A number of us do not like the ability to upload GEDCOM Files in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch", even with the "Compare" Tool for possible "Duplicates".
Too many times (all too often), have (older) well established individuals/persons, that are well "Documented" and "Sourced", have been OVERWRITTEN by the individuals/persons from GEDCOM Files.
The upload of GEDCOM Files in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" should be 'discontinued' (putting it mildly).
The upload of GEDCOM Files in the "Genealogies" Part of "FamilySearch" is fine; and, should continue.
Individuals/Persons should only be entered in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch" on a 'one by one' basis - the same way as you enter the individuals/persons in any such 'Pedigree' programme, for the FIRST time.
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I understand your concern about uploading gedcoms. I get it! But I disagree that all the names in FS tree are well researched. I see where only a 1st name is listed...like Mary. I also see a lot of old garbage from, what again I think, is early entries before genealogy research became known to the outside world. Also with more available records, to support or to disprove family lore, has changed the game. So being able to correct errors is important.So I hope somr things will continue
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You can add a new GEDCom through the Genealogies section of Search. Then you use the Compare function and add new information to FamilySearch Family Tree individual-by-individual.
However, as Brett noted above, if you have the Church of Jesus Christ-Ancestry Membership (FamilySearch calls it PartnerAccess), you will have the ability to sync the individuals directly from Ancestry.
The Ancestry Instructions are here: https://support.ancestry.com/s/article/FamilySearch-Integration-on-Ancestry (go down to 'Linking People Between Ancestry and FamilySearch')
The FamilySearch instructions are here: https://www.familysearch.org/help/salesforce/viewArticle?urlname=transferring-information-ancestry&lang=en_US
(go down to Information for Members)
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How big is your Ancestry Tree? How much of it were you wanting to add via a GEDCOM? Just the new 400 people? The entire tree?
Keep in mind that you may need to compare everyone in the GEDCOM against existing people in Family Tree.
If your GEDCOM contains the 400 new people and 4000 people that you imported to Family Tree in 2015, you will not be happy if something goes wrong and you end up needing to do 4000 merges in Family Tree.
Using the direct Ancesty to Family Tree method if you can also has its hazards, but you are less likely to introduce unwanted duplicates that way.