Arab Genealogy Research
Welcome to the Arab Genealogy Community! We are so glad you are here!
This Group contains information for: (countries in blue & italic are hyperlinked to WIKI pages)
Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, State of, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
Please read the information below to get oriented:
👉 Please JOIN THE GROUP to post questions and join in discussions.
👉 "TRANSLATION REQUEST" - When posting a discussion/question that is requesting "Translation" - Please start the Discussion Title with "Translation Request", this will help facilitate those who have ability to go directly to that Discussion.
👉See the "Code of Conduct" below for rules and guidelines about posting
RESOURCE LINKS |Code of Conduct |Google Translate |Posting Helps |How do I ask a Question? |Virtual Genealogy Consultations | RootsTech (Registration opened September 25!)
Welcome to our new member!Welcome to our newest member, @Jacob95584! 🎉 We are delighted to have you join the Arab Genealogy R…
Welcome to our new member!Welcome to our new member, @AlexisVictoria! 🎉 We are delighted to have you join the Arab Genealogy …
معلومات مجتمع الأنساب العربيأبحاث الأنساب العربية تحتوي هذه المجموعة على معلومات عن: (البلدان باللون الأزرق والخط المائل مرتبط…