Alguien con acceso a un centro de historia familiar?

Hola, estoy buscando información de mi bis abuela Gestrudes Moser, y tengo información del bautismo de su hijo, pero no tengo acceso al documento escaneado, alguien lo puede obtener?
Muchas gracias.
Evelyn Dollenz
Hola, Evelyn, @edollenz . I hope you can translate this as I translated your post. When I clicked your link, it took me to the indexed information of the record, but I also noticed a link to the collection, which is entitled Chile, Catholic Church Records, 1710-1928. When you click that, it tells you "The images of the original records are available through FamilySearch Family History Centers." The link below will help you find the Family History Center closest to you.
I'm sorry your question went so long with no answer.