Could someone translate these 1874 marriage records for Juan Garms and Estefana Moreno?
They are from two different dates, but appear to be for the same couple. Is one of these the marriage and one the marriage registration? If so, why would the dates be several months apart? I would very much appreciate a translation of both records. They are both from Ancestry: Nuevo Leon, Mexico, Civil Registration Marriages, 1859-1960; Montemorelos, 1862-1875.
1) , 25 April 1874, pgs 27-28, #32. This is Ancestry image 524-525. Here is the link:
2) 17 September 1874, pg 66, #32. This is Ancestry image 544. Here is the link:
I believe these are for the second marriage of my great grand-uncle, Juan Garms to Estefana Moreno...I wonder whether there is mention of either or both being widowed, and also are any ages mentioned?
Thank you so much for your help with these records.
Meilleure réponse
Hi again Brenda! From what I can tell, you're right about the earlier record being the marriage registration and the other being the actual record of the marriage. It is a little strange that they took place so far apart, but it says in the marriage record that there were not any impediments to the marriage, so the dispensation process isn't what slowed things down.
Here are the key points from the registration record (April):
-In the city of Montemorelos, 25 April 1874
-Juan Gormes and Maria Estefana Moreno
-Juan: originally from Germany, widower of Teodosa(? Maybe Teodora?) Piomo (spelling), age 50, son of Jiúrgen Garmes and Maria Catarina Anek (spelling)
-Maria Estefana: age 20, daughter of Yrinen Moreno (deceased) and Maria Emiliana Royas (possibly Rojas)
-Witnesses: Evaristo Moreno, single, laborer; Hilario Rojas, married, laborer
Here are the key points from the marriage record (September):
-In the city of Montemorelos, 17 September 1874
-Juan Gormes and Estefana Moreno
-Juan: originally from Germany and a local of the area, widower of the deceased Teodosa Pecina (I would take this version of the last name--it was written more clearly), age 50, son of Juirgen Garmes and Maria Catarina Aneka
-Estefana: age 20, daughter of the deceased Yrineo (I think this is the correct name) Moreno and Maria Emiliana Rojas
-Witnesses: Jose Maria Garcia Perez, carpenter; Juan Morales
Hope this helps!
Thank you so much for this, Hailey. I think you are right to go with the spellings in the marriage record as opposed to the earlier record. And this lets me know that Teodosia Pecina had in fact died by 1874, so I can look for her death record. Juan's parents were (their German names): Jurgen Garms and Catarina "Trine" Kük (variously spelled Kuek, Kuck). I have found the translation into Spanish and the the Mexico records does vary, possibly due to the German accent.
Thanks again. Your help is very much appreciated.