Birth records for Harmon 1929
I cannot locate ANY birth records for my uncle, Timothy Harmon, born in Kerry in 1929.
He was born out of wedlock.
I have tried loads of variations to both forename and surname, have tried mums maiden name, married name but nothing.
Any help or direction would be appreciated
Ireland has a 100-year privacy rule on birth records. That means 1929 records are not yet available online.
Indexes to the Civil Records of Irish Births, Deaths and Marriages
The Indexes to the Civil Records of Irish Births, Deaths and Marriages date from 1864 with non-Roman Catholic Marriages recorded from 1845.
The years covered by the release of the historic Indexes to the Civil Records of Births, Marriages and Deaths are:
Births:1864 to 1920
Marriages: 1845* to 1945
Deaths: 1871** to 1970
There are indexes online through 1958. If you can locate the appropriate record from the index, you can order the register entry.
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I've never heard that Ireland lets you order birth records less than 100 years old. It may be a good idea to contact, the official website of the Irish government for accessing civil registration, about whether this is possible, and if so the required documentation. I'd guess they'd want proof of the relationship between you and your uncle, and either proof that he gives permission or proof that he has passed.
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Thank you
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It is, indeed, possible to order the more recent births. The order form is online.