How can I find a marriage record for John Corrigan and Mary McClatchy!
John Corrigan and Mary McClatchy’s might have been married in Armagh Ireland! Their son Edward was born about 1823! Edward married Anne Nelson in the 1rst Presbyterian church County of Armagh 6/12/1845! On Edwards death record it say that his father John had been a soldier!
How can I find John Corrigan and Mary MCClatchy’s wedding record?
@Margaret Henderson Duff McKirdy One place that may have an extract of the record is Not free, but you can take a 1-day subscription.
Before 1845, when Ireland began civil registration of non-Catholic marriages, you will be looking for a Church record. And, in some cases, Presbyterians may have married in the Church of Ireland. The C of I was the official state church until 1869. At times, it was very difficult for other churches to perform marriages and baptisms.
Details of what records exist and where they are held:
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RootsIreland has marriages for the town of Armagh for that time period:
Do not confuse the town Armagh and the county Armagh. If you only know that they were from Co. Armagh, you will need to find the precise town. The December 1845 marriage you cite should be at and the original record will say where the marriage was celebrated.
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@A van Helsdingen the OP attached the marriage record. The image quality of the one @Margaret Henderson Duff McKirdy attached is better than the one on
And it is clearly city of Armagh.
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Thank you, I will try searching those places you mentioned! I thought I would let you see a couple more records I have of John and Mary McClatchy Corrigan and their son Edward! I thought you might come up with more ideas looking at them! As you can tell Edward and his wife moved to Scotland…..I have all their census records where they lived in Airdrie Lanarkshire! I found some information at the FH library that looks like John and Mary Corrigan, but I still need their marriage certificate to make sure.
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I’m not sure what I’m doing so I hope you got the info I sent!
Best Regards,
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John Grenham, Irish genealogy guru, highlights which records exist and where they are held
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Thank you,
best Regards,