Kaintuck, Bingham, Idaho
The name of the post office at Rexburg, Bingham County (now in Madison County) Idaho Territory / State was officially renamed "Kaintuck" on 8 August 1889 and stayed that way until it was officially changed back 27 February 1893.
Full text of "Rexburg, Idaho : the first one hundred years, 1883-1983"
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I initially discovered this name on the 1890 Assessment roles for Bingham County while looking for information on my Roylance line:
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On image 55 you see:
I've asked to have "Kaintuck"added as an alternate name to the existing standardized places (10703350 & 10703351) for the time period in question and have not seen it added yet. Can anyone tell me if it is being looked at?
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