Needing Help With Chinese Translation.

dans Social Groups
I have an entire family history tree written in Chinese that I cannot read. I am wondering if anyone may know how I can get this translated. I am willing to pay for such a service of course.
Hi Jaden, there are 2 ways you can get translation help.
- If you don't not in the hurry to finish the translation, FamilySearch 20 minutes FREE Chinese online consultation per week you can book to get help.
- If you want to finish the translation fast and pay someone, I have a list of people who is native Chinese and knows Chinese genealogy tree may available to do the translation for you.
- Please remember that communication about $$ related between you and your selected person should NOT include me/my email and you both responsible for any deal you both agreed and any issue may happen. FamilySearch or I am not a part or not responsible for any deal/issue that could happen.
- If you are OK with this, I can send you their contact information privately later.