Possible birth record of one of a set of twins born in Wentzwiller, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France

Would someone please translate this record. It looks like a birth record; however I found it in the Marriage Publications section? The second twin's birth is also on page 212; born 9 January 1827. If they could both be translated please? Especially the mother's name and age - is it Anne Marie Mundwiller age 25?; and the relationship of Joseph Jordan to the mother in this birth record - was he the mother's father or grandfather? Thank you much.
Wentzwiller births 1793-1862; page 212, entry 2; 7 January 1827?
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Dear Carol E Kallmeyer,
I send with great pleasure the acts of birth of Maria Anna Mundwiller and Anna Maria Mundwiller ( see files) found on archives of department of Bas-Rhin town of Wantzviller.
Anna maria is born 26 messidor an 11 ( july 15th 1803) .
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DidierDarrort1; thank you for the birth date of Anna Maria on 26 messidor year 11 (15 July 1803) and the birth records of these sisters; I will add them as sources for their FamilySearch records. This is most helpful;
Translation of act of birth Balthazard Mundwiller :
The year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, the seventh of the month of January, at five in the afternoon, before us Martin Bucchmann, mayor and registrar of the municipality of Wantzwiller, canton of Hurmingue, department of Haut-Rhin, appeared Joseph Jordann, cabaret-keeper, aged 49, domiciled in this town, who told us that today at two o'clock in the morning, the young lady Anna Maria Mundwiller, aged 22, without profession , is given birth in his home with his father-in-law of a male child, whom he introduced to us and to whom he is given the name of Balthazard Mundwiller.
Joseph Jordann is a father-in-law of Anna Maria and Maria Anna .
Translation act of birth of Joseph Mundwiller:
The year one thousand eight hunedred and twenty-seven , the ninth at five in the afternoon, before of the month of January, , before us Martin Bucchmann, mayor and registrar of the municipality of Wantzwiller, canton of Hurmingue, department of Haut-Rhin, appeared Joseph Jordann, cabaret-keeper, aged 49, domiciled in this town, who told us that today at six o'clock in the morning, the young lady Maria Anna Mundwiller, aged 25, without profession, is given birth in home of Joseph Jordann a male child, whom he introduceg to us whom he is giveen tehe name of Joseph Mundwiller.
Maria Anna born on messidor 13, year 9 of french republic (July 2, 1801) is a sister of Anna Maria ( father Joseph Mundwiller, mother Catherine Faminger) .
Balthazard and Joseph are cousins, not twins.
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Again thank you so much DidierDarrort1 for these translations and your understanding of this language and these relationships. Please tell me why these birth records would be recorded in the "Marriage Publications" section?
Our family has been told forever that Balthazard and Joseph were twins; and that Joseph Jordann was their step-grandfather, the second husband of Catherine Faminger.
Thank you for helping to untangle these relationships.