Translation help please

Would someone be willing to help translate the following document for me? I'm interested in the 3rd record for Johanna Anna, believe her father is Wenzel Proschinger. Thank you for any help you can provide.
Here's a link to the website where the original document is from:
Meilleure réponse
Please note that this record was already translated in the German Genealogy Research community group by @Charlotte Noelle Champenois as follows:
On 23 May 1854 was born and on 24 May was baptized Johanna Anna, legitimate daughter of Wenzel Proschinger (master clothmaker in Triesch) and Anna [Handl], daughter of Josef Handl (former laborer in Triesch). Both of Johanna Anna's parents were Catholic. The midwife was Anna Rubisch, examined by Triesch #95; under the midwife's name, it says "issued on 27 July 1854," but I'm not sure what was issued.