Birth records - Curragh military camp 1901
Hey folks,
I am trying to track down some birth records for my Grandfather who was born in Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare in 1901
I have my great grandfathers military records that list my grandfather as being born in the Curragh. I also have his baptism certificate from the Camp 17 days after being born which happened at the garrison church.
What I would like to do is find if a copy of his birth certificate is available.
Does anyone know if births at military camps were registered with the civilian registry? I have searched the 1901 census which shows my great grandfather as resident at the camp but tried searching the civil birth registry and get no results
Find My Past has an index for military births overseas. The name of the record set is "Gro Regimental Birth Indices (1761 To 1924)" It includes Camp Curragh and there are about 88 results for Camp Curragh in 1901. This index will give you the the volume and page as well as the place and archive reference. Using the index information you can order the birth certificate on the General Registrar Office website. When you get to the order page order be sure to click the option for " Outside the United Kingdom and registered by the British Forces, Consul or High Commission" which includes regimental records in the UK, Ireland and other British Isles.
Good Luck
Alan Allred