Can someone please assist with translation?
I do not speak or read any Portuguese but managed to navigate myself to a baptism record that I'm hopeful might point to my ancestor. Could someone please help translate? Also any big things to know about reading records in Portuguese would also be appreciated. Thank you!
I know my 2x Great Grandfather's name is Luis Da Costa and he was born to Barbara De Jesus, who's name I think I spotted in this record in the correct year.
It is a record of the baptism of Luiz, son of Barbara de Jesus, which took place on April 23, 1871 in the church of Santa Barbara das Nove Ribeiras, diocese of Angra do Heroismo. He was born on April 20, 1871. His mother was a spinner, a resident of the place whose affiliation and place of birth are unknown. The godfathers were Francisco da Costa and Gertrudes de Jesus. On the side, the record informs that he married Maria Angélica de Jesus Silva on January 31, 1901, then 25 years old, daughter of Manuel José da Silva and Angélica de Jesus Silva. Maria Angélica passed away on September 28, 1955 and Luiz passed away on January 27, 1965.
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Thank you so much! This is indeed a record for my 2x great grandfather and gives me exact dates for many things I only had a year for.