Looking for children of Levi Sherman And Abigail Sprague in Rutland, Danby, Vermont according to 179
Levi Sherman (2Z3L-MBH) and wife Abigail (LZRL-Q7N)(she died in 1791) in 1790 census show 1 adult male, 2 male children and 5 females. We have the names of these two parents and 2 daughters but missing 2 females and 2 male children. Danby only had 1200 people at that time but not finding any resources with these parents.
Known daughters are Drusella and Lydia Sherman.
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@Tracy Nies Amadio - hope this helps.
At Ancestry.com - is the administration of the estate of the late Levi Sherman recorded 23 Jan 1810 in Rensselaer Co.
Administrators Arnold and Joseph Shearman - undoubtedly the two sons of Levi (though they could be other relatives.)
On Feb 26, 1811 petitions for the appointment of Guardians for Levi Shearman, Hannah Shearman and John Shearman infant children (meaning not of age) of Levi Shearman late of Pittstown
It is hard to read but it appears a Simeon Brownell was appointed guardian of Levi and Hannah until they reach 21 years and the infant John until he reaches 14.
Wives - Abigail Sprague (1751 - 1791) md in Danby Rutland, VT abt 1784
Thankful Tripp (1753 - 1840) md in Strafford, VT 31 Dec 1801
My guess is the older children - Drusella and Lydia, Arnold, Joseph, Levi and Hannah are children of Abigail Sprague and the "infant" John is the son of Thankful Tripp.
There is much more about the family over at Ancestry - over 800 trees - some helpful some not but there is much to be gleaned checking out each of them.
Tracey; Have you searched the church records available through the Vermont Wiki at the upper right?
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I searched thru wiki in FS but not through these link in community, specifically in Rutland, Danby, VT
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Thank you so much for your help, @Robert Givens. We'll look further into Ancestry and see what they might have to share with us. It still leaves me with 1-2 missing females from that 1790 census but making progress.