I need to add different fathers for my kids.
This group, Indexing Chat, is focused on the process of indexing records. I think that the group that is more attuned to your question is @FamilySearch Family Tree. Since I tagged them in this response they will be able to see your question.
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Have you tried adding her father as a spouse on your record? Thus showing you with 2 spouses and then the children can be attached to their respective set of parents. Adding another spouse doesn't necessarily mean you have to show a marriage as such.
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It sounds like you are trying to change the father from the wrong spot. This is one of the more confusing tasks in Family Tree because the same relationship editing icon (the small piece of paper and pencil) acts differently depending on where you see it and the instructions are not very clear.
Here is how you accomplish this with illustrations from the beta site so I a not using real data.
This is the starting family. Be sure that the child that needs a new father shows as a child underneath parents:
Click on the edit relationship icon next to the child as shown circled in red to open the relationship fly-out panel:
Here, click on the Remove or Replace link next to the incorrect father to open this screen:
After clicking the checkbox that confirms you know what you are about to do, click on Replace Person. Notice that the red X shows you who will be removed. Here it is next to the father so things are going well.
Clicking Replace Person will open the usual Add/Find person box where you can create a new father, search for an existing one to use, or find by ID:
Go through that process and at the end you will see this when on the mother's detail page:
And can now go ahead and enter the rest of the information about the family. Because you edited the relationship starting with the child, only that one child was affected.
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Try adding the father first and then add the child to that relationship. Then remove her from the second relationship.