Correcting an incorrect merge (which had resulted in a SP blue box message) and what happens in the

I have a SP Temple ordinance reserved and when I looked at the record noticed there was a Blue Box for another SP ordinance completed. I understand this means the child has been sealed to a different set of parents, so I reviewed the change log and found an incorrect merge; Emma White ML2H-TKW was born in Abbots Langley, Hertford and incorrectly merged my Emma White LX9B-MZL born in Cornwall. I was able to restore Emma White ML2H-TKW and she is now reconnected to her parents with all ordinances completed with the record restoration recorded in the change log with a reason statement. My Emma White LX9B-MZL no longer has the SP blue box and her reserved SP ordinance is now waiting. All good! HOWEVER, the change log for my Emma White still shows the original incorrect merge on 30 Dec 2018 but does not record that I have reversed the merge by restoring the wrong Emma 11 Feb 2021. Why is that?
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This illustrates the difference between unmerging and restoring.
When Person A is merged into Person B, changes are made to both people and these changes are recorded in the change log. If nothing is done to either record, one can unmerge them and all the changes on both people are undone. These changes on both people are also recorded in the change logs for both people.
If any changes are made on Person B (now containing Person A), the merge can no longer be unmerged. However, Person A can be restored, as you did, which brings back Person A in the state he was in just prior to the merge. This event is recorded in Person A's change log.
This restore does nothing to Person B who still contains all the information merged in from Person A. (Except that any ordinances that belonged to Person A are removed.) There is nothing to record in the change log because nothing happened. This means that it is very important to thoroughly evaluate Person B and remove all information, including sources, children, spouses, and parents, that actually belong to Person A. All these manual steps to repair Person B will be recorded in the change log.
@lizsolomon lizsolomon
from South Aussie
The reason that the "ChangeLog" for the "Emma WHITE ( LX9B-MZL ) DOES NOT record the "Restore"; is that, you DID NOT "Restore" the "Emma WHITE ( LX9B-MZL ).
You "Restored" the "Emma WHITE ( ML2H-TKW ).
You DID NOT do ANYTHING that would evoke a "Restored" the "Emma WHITE ( ML2H-TKW ).
'Technically', you DID NOT even "Unmerge", the "Emma WHITE ( LX9B-MZL ), from the "Emma WHITE ( ML2H-TKW ), although as far we look at it, you did, in a fashion.
You SIMPLY "Restored" the "Deleted" (ie. "Archived") "Emma WHITE ( ML2H-TKW ), BACK to her ORIGINAL state; BEFORE, the "Merge"/"Combine".
Hence, there will be NO record of, either, (1) a "Restore"; or, (2) an "Unmerge", for You "Restored" the "Emma WHITE ( LX9B-MZL ).
I know it looks odd; but, that is the way that 'FamilySearch' has such operating.
Basically ...
IF, "Changes" were made to the "Surviving" Record (ie. individual/person), AFTER a "Merge"/"Combine"; THEN, you CANNOT do an "Unmerge"/"Uncombine", of the previously "Merged"/"Combined" individuals/persons; as, the "Surviving" Record (ie. individual/person) has been subsequently CHANGED, you ONLY have the "Option" to "Restore" the "Deleted" (ie. in fact, "Archived") individual/person - which (bizarre as it sounds) does not constitute an "Unmerge"/"Uncombine"; thus, NOT showing in the "ChangeLog" of the ORIGINAL "Surviving" Record (ie. individual/person).
Now ...
That said ...
There is a DIFFERENCE between, "Unmerge"; and, "Restore".
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I undo a merge in Family Tree?
How do I fix a merge that has information from multiple people in Family Tree?
How do I restore a deleted record for a person in Family Tree?
I hope this helps.
from "Downunder"
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Hello Brett from 'Downunder'
Firstly, where are you? How do you know where I am? Hmm, do we know each other?
Thank you for your detailed response.
Yes, I am aware that I did not unmerge my Emma White LX9B-MZL and the wrong Emma White ML2H-TKW. And I am also aware that once changes are made after a merge, then the merge cannot be undone. I also understand that the only option I had was to restore the wrong Emma White ML2H-TKW to ensure she was in the correct parent-child relationship with her original parents and to enable her ordinances to be restored to her and also for my Emma White's LX9B-MZL ordinances to appear correctly with no blue boxes.
I really didn't express my question correctly though - sorry for wasting your time. My thoughts could be better expressed; What might be helpful would be a FS generated note in my Emma White's LX9B-MZL change log record to indicate that Emma White ML2H-TKW previously merged with Emma White LX9B-MZL on 30 Dec 2018 has now been restored, along with a copy of my reason statement.
Though I didn't technically unmerge the two Emma's, restoring the wrong Emma was the only thing to be done to fix the situation.
Looking forward to finding out who you are?
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@lizsolomon lizsolomon
Mainly from the Eastern States (except Vic).
But, have lived and worked both in the East and West
Extensively travelled ALL over.
Wife was Born in SA; but, grew up in WA.
I have seem a few of you posts/answers/comments.
And, one where you recently mentioned where you were from.
I TOTALLY agree with your suggested "Change", that is what it should be.
Now ...
That said ...
Can I humbly suggest that, if, you BOTH have not already done so; then, the best place to, propose 'Ideas' (eg. suggested enhancements) [ such as YOURS ]; or, report 'Problems'/'Issues', relating to "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' (or, for that matter, ANY "Part" of 'FamilySearch') is in the (New) "IDEAS' ('Feedback') Forum, which is currently, on a separate platform, within this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
Here is the direct 'link' to that (New) "IDEAS' ('Feedback') Forum:
The (New) "IDEAS' ('Feedback') Forum can also be accessed from the 'Bottom', of just about, any page/screen, through (by accessing) the "Feedback" 'Link'.
Where a "Pop-Up" (aka: "Modal") 'Window' will appear ...
Where you select, the "Go to Discussion Board" ('Button'/''link'), under the "Community Discussion".
The (NEW) "IDEAS" Forum is MONITORED by "Official 'FamilySearch' Representatives" (eg. Product Managers; and, Engineers/Developers) responsible for the "Design" and "Development" of 'FamilySearch'.
I hope this helps.