I'm looking for information on emigration in the late 1800's to early 1900's from what was then Hungary, now Slovakia, to the United States. Where would most people leave from and are there any records left in Europe of the emigration? Does anyone have any suggestions of where to start looking? Thank you in advance.
Merle Mayfield
Meilleure réponse
I would start to search US immigration records, naturalization records. Sometimes record contains where did they come from.
Have you had any luck looking for women? My 2xGgrandmother was a widow and we have not had any luck. I'll need to broaden my search. Thank you for the suggestions.
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Yes. Do you know your 2xGgrandmother maiden name, married name, birthplace, date, immigration date? Is there any Familysearch id (XXXX-YYY)?
Share with me (us) and we will try to help. And please share what you want to know exactly?