Looking for how the family name should be spelled. From Belgium, but are flemish? e.g. 2Z83-JYP Pos
Have you got a link for records? Batch code isn't working.
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It seems like If I really knew how to spell it, I may be able to find exactly where they came from in Belgium.
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That is difficult one. The 'van' suggest Dutch/Flemish ancestry. You are talking 16/1700s here. Not all people were able to write. Names were often spelled the way the writer heard it. In this case an English speaking person writing a name foreign to him/her. To me the Vanorduyner is the only one that sounds Dutch. The others sound more French. Garrett in Dutch would be spelled Gerrit - a common name. Trying to pronounce 'Van Ordoyno' in English, then putting it into Dutch, the closest I get is the last name 'Van Oord' Oyno could be Onno, a name that is still used as first name. If they were hugenots, you might find something that sounds familiar here: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-89S5-297R?i=408&wc=M6TV-N6D%3A365144601&cc=2134301. These index card are per surname (many spellings for the same name) in date order. You can flip through a few images.
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There are two possible solid interpretations for the names you coined.Fonetically some of the above are basically correct if spoken and pronounced by a native Flemish or Dutch speaker. The closest match to the name is Vanarduiner/Vanorduyner.
But most of the above is machine-generated by the grace of the computersoftware on different platforms;sometimes it produces a match , but most of the time, the it produces new names-cq , spellingvariations.Very often they do not exist.
it is a very old Dutch/Flemish name, that diffracted and diffused to the new world,after dicovery of it , and roughly dissapeared from the old world,as new spellings came in to effect, borders and country's changed and wars rearranged Europe.
The two basic variants are=> Van Orduyner and Van Ordynen; if we are to maintain it as Dutch; because if i would read it as a Flemish name i would prefer Van Arduine or Van Arduinen.So i would suggest it as Dutch.
If , following the Dutch spelling 'Van Orduyner/Orduynen on google's prompt it comes to this
after some considerations i took this link to an article written in Medieval Flemish in an old book,(i can read it still easily), this one
And i translated one sentence of it,(out of it context)
"And there was need for one equal carved stone(orduynen), 4 thumbs thick to the use of the clynckhaeck( Hinge)"
In this medieval flemish example => orduynen is Arduin=>bluestone