Possible Ward Bulletin or Newsletter Announcement:
Family History Moment: The new Child and Youth program that was introduced the last week of September is exciting. It is significant that the Church offers children from age 8 and up the opportunity to have an account at In talking with members of the ward it is apparent that many of our children and youth do not have accounts. Please consider helping your children who are at least 8 years old get their own account. Just go to and click on Create an Account.
There is an outstanding children’s song about Family History entitled “Family History Is the Story of Me.” It was published in the Friend in June 2018. It is now included as a sing along video in the newly released Children’s materials discussed at Church. Here are two links:
Sheet Music and Words -
Sing Along Video -
Consider incorporating this song into any Family History activities you do in your home.
We are in the process over the next couple of months to assign a Family History consultant to each family in the ward. They are to be your resource and help with anything to do with Family History. Don’t wait for us to contact you if you need help. Your consultants are:
Thanks Shanna! Exciting times ahead with our youth!