eberly4 cropped
Here is a page from a family Bible written in German. It belonged to Peter Eberly of Smithville, Ohio and is housed in the Ohio State University Rare Book Library. The Bible has about a dozen pages with handwritten notations, but not all of them are family history related. Some are also badly faded and very difficult to read.
The information on this page says:
Ich Johannes Eberle bin gebohren den
5 Julius Ihm Zeichen Zwilling nachmittag
um 7 uhr 45 minuden ihm Jahr 1755
Elisabet meine frau Ist gebohren den
Ersten Junius 1750
Der Obige gesagte Johannes Eberle Ist gestorben den
sechsden April morgens um zwey uhr 1823. ist alt worden
sieben und sechzig iahr nein monat und achzehen stund
und 15 minuden
Und sein sohn Jacob Eberle ist gestorben den fünf und
zwanzigsten Mertz 1806 ist alt vorden sechs und zwanzig
Jahr fünf monat und elf Dag
Die Obige gesagte Elisabeth Eberly ist gestorben den
4den December 1823 ist alt worden wir vier und sechzig
iahr [inserted: sex monat] und trei Tag.
I find it interesting that in the 18th and 19th Centuries many people liked to include the sign of the Zodiac with their birth information.
Here is a translation of the above family Bible entries into English:
I, Johannes eberle, was born on the 5th of July in the Sign "Twin" in the afternoon at 7 o'clock and 45 minutes in the year 1755
Elisabet, my wife, was born on the first of June 1750
The above said Johannes Eberle died on the 6th of April at two o'clock in the morning 1823. He reached the age of sixty-seven years niine months and eighteen hours and 15 minutes.
And his son Jacob Eberle died on the twenty-fifth of March 1806, reached the age of twenty-six years, five months, and 11 days
The above-said Elisabet Eberly died on the fourth of December 1823; reached the age of sixty-four years, six months, and three days.
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This is also a good example of the old adage "spelling doesn't count". Standardized spelling is a relatively modern invention. The prevailing norm was "If it sounds right when you read it out loud, it is spelled correctly". This can be really confusing to non-German speakers.
Example: "ihm Zeichen" should be "im Zeichen" [in the sign] - silent letter "h" added [confusing because "ihm" is actually 'him" in English]
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yes - this is exactly what I was looking for. . . .
thanks (English translation is very important to me also)
are there additional pages that contain family data?
who owns the bible?
any idea where the bible owning family lived ?
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we have added the bible you shared with us to the German Family Bible album in Memories
let us know of other family bibles you may be able to share.
the Family Bible Preservation Project
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Thanks again for sharing the bible and translation!!
great stuff.
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@baerbel thanks again for this bible
can you tell me if there are additional pages with family data?
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There are more pages I caould share, but just don't have the time right now. Please remind me in a couple of weeks. It seems like having the pages without knowing what they say is pointless.
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that is true - without a translation it isnt very helpful
but there may be others who can translate.
just want t make sure I have all the pages together and not some missing.
Thanks for your help.