Trouble saving a Czech Marriage Record to my Family Tree or Source Box. I have a marriage record fr
Here's the link:
Czech Republic, Church Books, 1552-1981;,979672702,980896801,980897801
The Error message says: Attempt to Add Source Failed
What person and ID # and I will try to do it. I am working in this area. Are you aware of the census records available and how they are arranged?
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Here's the ID for Georg Rostomily GH7L-YWX
I used the Find Person by ID box, and that same ID was used for another random person. When I clicked on his name, a duplicate was suggested. I merged him, so this ID number should be free now. I've never run into that before--two people sharing the same ID.
Here's the ID for his wife, Barbara Kommenda GH7G-PMD
Here is the translation of the record for the notes:
Marriage Record from GrossRasel, (now Rajek) Czechia, of Georg Rostomily (house #7) and Barbara Komenda on 4 June 1815 in Zvole (then Schmole), Šumperk, Opava, Czechia. He is Catholic, a widower, and 50 years old and a Häusler (cottager.) Barbara is the daughter of Augustine Komenda, Gartler (gardener/peasant) from Schmole (now Zvole). Catholic, 22 and single. The witnesses are Anton Drlek, peasant and Franz Hruby, farmer both from (beede von) Schmole (now Zvole.)
His son, John Rostomily, my husband's great grandfather, is on the 1869 census with his wife and children. A cousin of his found it along with many other parish records. We connected with her through a DNA link on We have been looking for John Rostomily for 45 years!! What a wonderful miracle! The place of birth was found in an obituary and the brick wall came tumbling down.
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I had no trouble attaching it. I have family from GrossRasel and Zvole. Did you know that you can see old maps and recent maps of these towns on It took me a long time when I was first learning about the census records that they are organized by house number. I am so glad that you now know your Czechia ancestry and that your hard work paid off. Please, let me know if I can help you in the future.
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PS. Don't forget to update your FamilySearch Tree! You might find more connections.
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Thank you so much!! I am excited to find out if our ancestors cross paths! I have found the very house on by typing in the town and the house number. It went to it! That was for my Vaskovsky's in Kojakovice. This is all so new, I'm still in the process of dealing with the new information. Jerry's cousin emailed 30 records to me! What a goldmine! I'm rich! 😀
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Have you found Georg's first marriage? He is a widower. I love this research but there is so much to learn. On the right hand side of the main page I have posted some helps for Czechia research.
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Actually, I need help reading some of the records. I was pouring over this one last night:
It's the third one from the bottom on the 2nd page for Joepha Walenta. The note on the mother is so unusual, I can't recognize any of the words. Here's what I have so far:
June 6/7 1838, House #7, Father: Franz Walenta Hausler (cottager) Mother: Anna daughter of Johann Muller, Hausler, from Theodoro and ... the 4th word looks like g*ban*iponce Sose or Sope of Molochtoice ______ (the same as the last word of the entry.)
If this is unfamiliar to you, I can easily post it on the German FS Community instead. Let me know.
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It says and Apolonia née Sopen from Mol[a?]tonic, his (Johann's) wife.
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Thank you for those links! They are very helpful, and all in one place. I will update my Family Search Tree and hopefully find more connections there. I will look for Georg's first marriage. I have questions about the second wife's name, and the first wife's marriage record will help eliminate some of the confusion, I think. Onward.
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Thank you so much! I appreciate your help and expertise. I couldn't even figure out "his wife". I will study it and keep it in mind for the future.
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I wonder if they are referring to Moletein. I have attached an entry from The Judicial District of both places is Zabreh.
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Thank you, Betsy, I think that must be it. Thank you for checking that out. I know it's a process.
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Hi Mckenna,
I am trying to figure out the German word for "his" in the record. I figured out that the German "Ehegattin" was the word they used for "wife", but the word before that doesn't look like "sein" (in the blue boxes). I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I want to know for future reference. I've looked at lots of lists, but they all say "sein".