DNA matches
Yes, this is possible. Since match lists can only show you people who have tested with the same company, it seems that the branch of your family that this individual is part of hasn't joined in the testing excitement for now. You can see the shared cM Project to see a list of possible relationships to this person who shares 220 cMs with you. https://dnapainter.com/tools/sharedcmv4
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Thanks Camille
I suspect he may be part of my paternal line which I know nothing about
You would think someone in 3 generations on that side would have tested LOL
I have looked at the DNA painter
Wide range for relationships with the DNA painter tool
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Yes, with DNA there are a variety of possible relationships.
Use the probability chart to prioritize the most probable relationships first as you try to fit this match into your tree.
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We both uploaded the raw data to GEDMATCH
We have a few dozen people that match both kits but about the 5 generation level
That is another steep learning curve for me to figure out Gedmatch
OH well I will just hope someone closer matches in Ancestry