I'd like to know what this marriage record says. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I know that Wentzel Neisser, son of Andreas Neisser married Rosina, daughter of Baltzar Rolfalitz (I think). I can't decipher the rest, other than the word "widow" and the witnesses at the bottom. Additionally, I see the abbreviation Dop or Imp a lot and am not familiar with its meaning.
Am having trouble reading also. But i do believe what you are reading as Dop is really Doss ... it is the way it is written and I believe in this sense it means "daughter of". Not sure about Imp but I will think about it. Most of the records I have read use the term decera or something like that to mean daughter.
The name following Doss should be her father's name. Will look at it again later.
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I do agree that it is a maiden name Doss. She is Baltzar Koschelitz?Koschalitz (instead of Rolfalitz) hinterlassen (leave behind) widow. What place is this record from? It also states that Wentzel is Andreas Neisser hinterlassen son which indicates Andreas is deceased. At the end are the Testes (witnesses): Paul Merch and Lorenz Milner