MY MyhanAncestors from Ireland,any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I am trying to research my family Myhan's from Ireland and they settled in North Carolina,Georgia, Tennessee and Alabama in the USA, I believe. My great grandfather's name is John D. Myhan jr. He was born 1841 in
Cass,Ga.His dad is John D, Myhan,born 1815 in Ga.His dad was John Myhan,born 1709 in Tipperey,Ireland.His mother is Bersheba Higganbottham born 1785 in Cass, GaJohn Myhan married Mary McMeil,who was born in Tipperey,Ireland in 1702. Her dad is John McMeil ,they came over from Ireland and settled in North Carolina.
had 10 children during their marriage, Five boys and five girls.John D,Myhan jr married Poly Ann Davis Phillips,born 1858 Wayne Co., Tennessee.They were married on Dec.23,1886 in Wayne Co.Tennessee and had one son born June 23,1887 in Cypress Inn,Wayne Co.,Tennessee,his name is James Andrew "Jim Myhan, he married Cleavie Arverzine Handley July 31,1908 in Wayne Co.,Tennessee,they had six children,5 boys and one girl during their marriage.They lived in Cloverdale, Alabama.
That is a lot of information to keep straight. Do you have this family in an online tree that you can point us to?
I'll share this with the Ireland Research Group to see if there are options on that side. When you share the online tree link both groups should see it.