A NEW GROUP IN THE COMMUNITY - Please come and visit
We'd like to let you all know of a NEW group here in FamilySearch Community - - and we wish to welcome you all to come and visit
click here:
It is dedicated to helping people in their surname focused family history research.
Now it would surely be of interest to those involved in a "One Name Study"
where they focus for long periods of time (even years and decades) researching a specific surname.
But we believe that it clearly is not just for them. We believe that
a large percentage of FamilySearch users could benefit from tips, guidance,
resources and contacts for help in their focused research on a given family group.
Even if your surname focus is only for a particular branch of the family or just
in a specific country or region - we believe you would still benefit from what this group has to offer - especially note the links on the right hand side.
Take a look at the community group page:
and see what resources are there for all to use.
and please share with us your comments and feedback.
Here are some sample questions of the type of questions that we envision
being asked/answered in this new group.
1) What is the meaning of my surname?
2) Where does my surname come from?
3) I am interested in finding others who are researching the same surname/family - can you help?
4) What resources are available on the Internet for this specific surname?
5) Is there a DNA project for my surname/family?
Please Visit the group - and please consider clicking the "JOIN GROUP" option
and please pass this on to others who may be interested
@Yancey/Yancy Family Genealogy
@Nanney Family Genealogy
@Kendall One-Name Study & DNA Project
@Cass / Case Family Group Feedback Feedback
@Ancestor Treasures
@General Questions
@Shirley Family Genealogy
@Nuckolls Family Genealogy
@Kavanaugh Family Genealogy
If I may just throw my $.02 in...
I personally won't join it, because there are a half million surnames, and the chance of someone having something of interest for me goes WAY down. There will be so many people who say "I need help with Ephraim Jones, descendant of Joseph and Mrs. Jones of Kentucky, and ... And if you keep getting disparate queries that (for each person) brings the signal-to-noise ration WAAAY down, they'll tune out.
The first part sounded like you initially were looking for specific surname type of research hints, and I immediately thought of wiki pages, and you wouldn't have to go back and search for specific things.
Even the old rootsweb respective surname pages got cluttered at times. Imagine lots of surnames in one group like that. (No continuity)
Not trying to discourage you, but from my experience, that's the biggest obstacle - relevancy.
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The significant difference here is - if you post a query - we WILL respond to your query - no matter which surname you are asking about.
but you dont need to join the group - to submit a query.
the main point is this is a group where you can ask a question about any of a million surnames - and we will respond to your question.
if you have any question about a surname - please ASK - and we will attempt to answer.
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what can you tell us about YOUR surname? where does it trace back to?
how many generations does it race back to?
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Here are various websites or resources dedicated to the Masters Family
if you tell us more about your surname we may better know if they apply to your branch of the family.
it is this type of response we can make and more when people submit queries to this group - - whether or not they join is up to them.
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After researching the new website regarding surnames, I found some interesting information. Thanks so much. I appreciate it.
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I appreciate your efforts Dennis. I'm kinda thinking down the line a bit. How does someone down the line benefit from something that may have been covered before?
Rootsweb sorta had something in this vein and it "worked okay" but was not efficient for others. It did put names/queries out there for others to see. I think a wikipedia format where people can point to resources about surnames would be good for helping people help themselves, rather than ask a question and expect someone to answer them (assuming someone CAN answer them during that temporally short period of time when the question is asked).
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thats why we will also have a reference table for resources that are already available
it will be called the ISRR - the Index to Surname Resources and Researchers - which will have links to existing and previous resources
this is a resource that doesnt need a person to answer a question
it is a combination of both type of resources hat we will apply in this group
a) a table of existing resources
b) and the ability to ask questions that we will respond to.
Here for example is the table of resources for the MASTERS surname
note that these resources may appear static at any given point - but we will be updating them periodically as we gather more info
we will focus first on those surnames that we know current members of the group are interested in.
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so as an example - I shared with you these four resources for the MASTERS surname - this info that I shared will also be added to the ISRR
entry for MASTERS - so that this info will be readily available to anyone in the future who is referencing the the MASTERS surname,
we will update the ISRR periodicially to include new resources.
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That's pretty nice! I see from the creation date and content that you automated all that.
Would it be more compact to have a search bar for a surname, and the respective pages (if it exists) comes up (or dynamically built)? But then again, this is a static "starting point".
Where would queries be made on a surname? I didn't happen to catch that. I did see the link at the bottom for comments, etc.
I also saw a XREF at the bottom for other surnames but that didn't seem to be working.
Looks nice! (I'm not a courier font guy, but.. it's uniform in spacing.
I hope it gets refined further! It should be a useful resource.
Oh, one other comment. You've outsourced the guestbook portion. What happens if they disappear?
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its a work in progress
meant to be a simple to re-produce as possible
yes -- thats why I used Courier to keep it aligned
still working out various issues I need to tweak
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what specific page did you see the XREF on.
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the xref is simoly meant to show you names that are spelled similarly - but arenot common enough to have a page by thelmeslves.
the LINK on that line should be removed.
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Meister. (Didn't see a Maister page) :-)
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I only created pages for the 10,000 most common surnames
the ones listed on the Meister page - fall above that threshold
the LINK that is on that line should be removed.
I have a lits of the top 100,000 surnames
I could easily do more than 10,000 - - but I have to stop somewhere to keep it manageable.
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Based on our interchange
I added various new links to the MASTERS page
you will probably need to refresh the page
look for the phrase: Contact or Resource
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so when did your Masters ancestors come to America??
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I wish I knew.. farthest back I've gotten is late 1700's in Pennsylvania (amongst the german population). Lancaster, PA area. Common migration point.
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Sorry... forgot the surname.. Maister or Master (have seen both spellings) Inclined to go with the 1st spelling. Seems more "German". :-)
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have there been any books, reports, compilations, websites, concerning your specific branch of the family?
what is the PID of your earliest MASTERS ancestor?
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The link is tenuous here.. And the surname was Meister or Maister (later Master, then Masters). Earliest is LK14-CDG.
Where it's tenuous is the connection between KCLB-G1T and LKLL-HFD. It's being held by an assumption as a result of a single line in a newspaper regarding John Maister or Master being an administrator for Conrad Meister or Maister . Oh, looking through my notes, there was a deed (Union County, PA, Deed CC525 (1885) that supported teh John to Conrad connection as well. But it lists the wrong mother (fairly certain due to age of her vs John. I can't find info on his 1st wife, who would be John Maister's mother.) There's "more" that seems to connect Conrad back through time/proximity following some wills.
Don't know about books/reports/compilations/websites. There was a pennsylvania dutch website I saw a few years back if memory serves me right, but I couldn't make the connection to the Maister family seen there at the time. I haven't looked recently at that web site. The Schwenkfelder name just popped into my head. I just now looked and found that there is a document called "The Genealogical record of the Schwenkfelder famiilies" on , and mentions the surname Meschter, with some references to Union County, PA in there...,797,2133,845;2829,799,3079,852;2107,868,2349,922;692,978,1018,1028;2554,1063,2802,1111;417,1185,668,1234;162,1256,369,1305;161,1464,352,1511;510,1462,749,1510;925,1464,1159,1513;1320,1467,1561,1515;2156,1474,2415,1522;2655,1476,2902,1525;807,4104,1168,4153&pId=657 I don't recall my coming across meschter's in Union county, but it's been awhile since I've devoted tons of time to that area. (I hit some brick walls decades ago, and haven't been back a whole lot since then, with sporadic looking as I come across something new.)
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so Cerlida - - what surnames are you interested in?