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Fresno County CA Genealogical Society
Fall Seminar - DNA Bootcamp (Covering basics of DNA, and using MyHeritage, Ancestry, and GEDMatch DNA results to help you grow your tree.)
Presenter: Robert Givens
Saturday, October 17 - 8:30 am to noon (Pacific Time)
Free to members - $10 for non-members of the Society
So, @Robert Givens I assume this is an online class, correct?
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Robert, I have a question. I have attended 2 DNA webinars, and in both cases the issue (and severe problem) of endogamy was basically glossed over. I have Scotts-Irish and German roots going back pre-Rev War and have documented MANY points of intermarriage and found in-laws that are actually blood relatives. My mother did her DNA just before she passed at 89, and, low and behold (as she would say), I was able to inform her she and dad were related. She found that hysterical. I concluded that because she has a bunch of wrong DNA matches. I did not find the connection that is 6 generations back until after her death, unfortunately. On my own I have noticed anomalies in the Ancestry Thrulines where different branches intersect in one couple, but I don't know if I am on track for predictive purposes. In your bookcamp, do any of your sessions provide help for people like me?
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I can't answer for Robert, but I know what you are dealing with! My loving ancestors were Chileans who came north for the California Gold Rush, and then they kept intermarrying...and divorcing and intermarrying again! That part of my ancestry isn't a family tree. It looks more like a wreath! The best information that I got was from class on Jewish DNA that went to at RootsTech. Unfortunately, it was not one that was recorded. There is quite a bit of discussion about the topic of Endogamy here, if it helps any: https://isogg.org/wiki/Endogamy
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Yes, they are. Zoom meetings.
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As to the ThruLines - As Ancestry states and I can affirm. ThruLines are only as good as the trees that are used to show the connections between relatives. What is true - if you and Person A share DNA then you are related. Now the tree relationship that is shown on trees is determined by the Trees so good trees - reliable connections. And Bad trees - false connections. In my ancestry I have people who claim relationship to me through false trees - now we are related but the tree they follow was disproven decades ago but they still insist it is right. We can show them how we are really realted but they won't let go of the old way. I do have three brick walls that DNA is helping to solve. One is a situation where others insist I must go through a family that I have always felt was impossible BUT attaching my person as a child in his proposed family really opened my eyes when multipe "siblings" bring me matches that the right amount of DNA. In a couple of others we (the researchers) put together proposed families and tested them in ThruLines and had similar results (several of the kids all have matches to us.) In another I am working on in MO I am getting NO DNA matches popping up in the other kids so I am probably barking up the wrong tree. That is my take in general on ThruLines. Endogamy would just make the use of Thrulines much more complex.