Looking at the 1860 slave Schedules I noticed that some were listed under owners and some under empl
Accord to ancestry.com the following information about hte difference between owner and employer
In the pre-Civil War South, enslaved people were sometimes rented out to the highest bidders. Rental contracts often began on New Year’s Day and lasted a year, but start dates and durations varied. In the 1850s and early 1860s, about 5% of enslaved people were rented at any given time. In slave schedules, when a person was rented, the slave owner was listed as “owner,” and the person doing the renting was often listed under the owner’s name as the “employer.”
See https://support.ancestry.com/s/article/Searching-Slave-Schedules#:~:text=In%20slave%20schedules%2C%20when%20a,name%20as%20the%20%E2%80%9Cemployer.%E2%80%9D for more information.