What happened to my half brother Jesse Wallace Gardner after his live birth
What happened to my half brother Jesse Wallace Gardner after his live birth
He was born
Hi there
His name is Jesse Wallace Gardner born 29 January 1933 in Los Angeles, CA. His parents were Jesse Wallace Gardner father sometimes went by Jack Gardner. His wife was Otheyle Putnam sometimes spelled Otheal. They married 17 February 1931 in Los Angeles CA. I do not know what happened to their child as he does not show up on any census record with either him or her. I put his name in but cannot find anything about him either on Family search or Ancestry. No death record which doesn't put date of birth. Maybe he died or was adopted. but I do not find any death record under Jesse Wallace Gardner born 1933.. If you can give me some advice I would greatly appreciate it.
thank you . Cindy Cole
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