Looking for any Italian records for Francesco Biafora from San Giovanni in Fiore, Cosenza
He was born in 1880 in San Giovanni in Fiore, Cosenza. He may have also married prior to emigrating to the US
Cognome: Biafora
Nome: Francesco
Anno di nascita: 1880
Padre: Salvatore BIAFORE
Madre: Catherine RUGGIERO
I have found a microfilm resource
The location (Germany) nearest me is closed for August vacation and the area I am moving to in Florida is closed indefinitely.
Could anyone in the group help with either reviewing the microfilm or guide me to area within the commune page to request assistance.
Unfortunately, most FHCs are currently closed. I did check the Antenati site, but it doesn't appear to have any records from Cosenza. Maybe just keep an eye out for when things begin to open up. It is so frustrating knowing what record you need and where you can get it, and just not being able to get it!