Quarantine Diary Prompts—How to Journal about the Historic Events of 2020
Did anyone see this FamilySearch blog article? ✏️ https://www.familysearch.org/blog/en/covid-diary-journal-prompt/
Maybe your first thought was - "Write about it? Why would I want to relive that?" Well, most people I talk to didn't know there was a flu pandemic of 1918/1919 and after reading about what they went through, it certainly puts into perspective what we are going through.
Right now we are experiencing emotions of being tired to being terrified. When will we be back to normal? Guess what?! We can't to go back to how things were but we can be better because of what we have learned.
So. . . quickly think of one thing that you have learned (good or bad) from this year of 2020 and quarantine and write it below.
@Heather R Jacobs Thanks for the reminder of the importance of journaling even in times of distress.