
Chinese Genealogical Challenge
Can anyone transcribe at least the important facts from this obituary?
Madam Liu Meng Hua, day of passing 2016 Nov 22, 93 years old.
Viewing 2016 Nov 24th and 25th. Cremation date 2016 Nov 26th.
Also listed names of husband and children and other family members. Do you want thse info as well?
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where she was born/died?
name of parents?
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no information on location of death and birth. No information of her parents.
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The place that Madam Liu Meng Hua did the creamtion in Mandai Crematorium
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In Chinese culture is cremation extremely common?? and burial not common?
what are cemeteries like in chinese culture?
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It is more popular now. Burial was the way to go but more and more people choose cremation these days. Usually the headstone will have names of village they came from, names of children and grandchildren.
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Ecological burial is start to popular in China now, so people are more accepted cremation. According to people.com newspaper, 53% deceased did cremation on 2006. After cremation, people can help them do tree burial, flower burial or sea-burial.