Has anyone used Eternal Reminder chrome extension to let you know when an ancestor turns 110 years old? Does it work?
I have used it and it works just fine. I believe that there is a 6 year limit (don't quote me on that) on how long Eternal Reminder will keep track of a record.
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I have used it. It will only allow you to get a reminder if the ancestor is within 5 years of turning 110. I have had instances when I didn't realized my ancestor was 110 and I tried to set a reminder and it tells me they are already 110 and I can reserve the name. I think it's a great tool!
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It is a great tool! I use it often.
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Hi Carol, There are a few consultants at our FHC who use it. Someone asked me recently if I used it because she had been having problems with it. I hope they get it fixed for her as she uses it all the time. Cindy H.
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I use it too and love it. I would not remember if it was not for this tool. And, I am not organized enough to come up with my own system to help remember. I am so grateful for smart people that create these types of tools.
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Yes, it does work and easy to use. Just got a reminder last week that one of my ancestors was ready. How blessed we are with technology.
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I'm glad you shared this with us. Thanks