I would like to verify that my younger brother Peter Smith's birthfather is Francisco Gomez born ap
Another of my brothers and I are in touch with a DNA confirmed 1st cousin once removed of his. Her name is Maria Gomez. Her father is Raul Gomez. He is the son of Raul Roberto Gomez born 1929. He told her that his uncles are Fausto Gomez born approximately 1921, Remigio Gomez, and Francisco Gomez. A Fausto Gomez tested and came back as a 1512 cMS match to my brother. With the information we have he appears to be a first cousin. My brothers and I would like to know any relevant health info concerning Peter's siblings or birth father.
Duane, you have a great match to work with! Have you tried using the What Are The Odds (WATO) tool found at DNAPainter.com? If you have several DNA matches that you can figure out relationships to, you can use this tool to determine the probabilities.
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I had someone help me with DNAPainter's WATO tool yesterday. It didn't help as much as I would have hoped. Another of my brothers suggested we pursue a different relative that appears to have a connection to the above named relatives. his name is Orlando O. Gomez.
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Were you able to find multiple relatives to include in the WATO tool? You will get much better results if you build the tree and include all of the connected relatives.
When I am using Ancestry DNA, I go through and look for all shared matches with my closest match. I label them with a color. (Blue or Pink - if I know whether they are paternal or maternal.)
Then I add another color and name all matches to the individual (yellow matches Tom Smith) and then move to the next match that doesn't match Tom Smith. (green matches Sam Johnson)
Then I go through all of the matches to my closest match that I want to map out. I look through their trees and jot down common surnames or make a mini list of potential common ancestors. I am scouting for common names to be able to put into the WATO tree. Sometimes, the user will list just enough information that I can research their surname line and figure out how to connect them to my WATO tree. It is seldom a case of just using the information that they have provided. I usually have to do some detective work to figure out how the different shared matches connect with each other. However, I love doing this type of investigation. I am intrigued with being able to solve these mysteries! I know that not everyone finds joy in researching strangers trees, but remember, these aren't really just strangers! These people share common ancestors to you. You just have some extra steps to figure out how. When you do figure out how they connect, you will be researching your own tree and you will have more information than you would have had without investigating the other descendants of your ancestors.