Does anyone know what Happened to the GetSatisfaction FamilySearch Community - "Sorry, the community
Did something else replace it?
The 'FamilySearch' ("GetSatisfaction") 'Feedback' Forum is 'AWOL' currently, with regard to that long running forum through the "GetSatisfaction" medium, this may or may not be permanent; as, it appears that "Get Satisfaction has been acquired by a NEW Owner/Manager/whatever.
Exciting News! Get Satisfaction has been acquired by Sprinklr.
There have been numerous "Questions" in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum on this matter, here are some:
Is the GetSatisfaction suggestion site really retired?
Is down at the moment? I have been unable to connect for over 12 hours.
Why was - Retired?
What's up with the GetSatisfaction forum?
And, here is a "Post" (ie. a NOTICE ) from an "Administrator" in the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum:
The Get Satisfaction functionality is currently down. It appears that the owner decided to discontinue the service, but because of some old contact information FamilySearch was not aware of this change. Please note that we are working on an alternative, but until then, please post feedback into this forum. We are also experiencing problems with uploading images to this community and expect to have that functionality up an working early next week.
I know that this does not help; but, I hope that it gives you some perspective.