Help with translating tombstone?
Someone else helped me translate this. Looks like this person is from Fujian. Google found the village for me... it really can't be this easy? I'm going to try and find the village jiapu... Henry helped with my research in Taishan a while back... is there an expert in the Fujian area that anyone would recommend?
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I can help typing but some of the words were really impossible to read. I tried to type them in Excel format to reflect the typesetting. I highlighted those that were questionable or unable to even guess. If you can have a much clear image the typing would not be a problem. If you would like those I typed out please send me email: as I was unable to attach it here due to the vertical setting. (Judy Hsu)
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@(林彩蓮)Judy Hsu
I am very curious -- were you able to identify the top character on the headstone (combined from 日 / 亚 / 頁)? I can't find it online or in my Wenlin 文林 dictionary software (should have 10,000+ characters in it).
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@Sidney Joseph Hoyt
Your question intrigued me. I tried using digital imaging to make out the characters, but it did not work out for the names of the children on the left. If you could post a clearer image it would help. Here are some things I did find below (I'm probably not helping very much but I'm very interested in Chinese genealogy):
生於光緒二十九年元月十八日 "Born on the 8th day of the first month of the 29th year of the reign of Guangxu" (equates to 5 February 1903)
卒於西曆一九八六年三月廿日 "Died on 20th day of March, 1986, Western calendar)
南安 Nan'an -- Google search locates this as section of the town of Quanzhou 泉州 in Fujian Province 福建. (Ancestral home or birthplace?)
(?)考 -- my guess is that this is a rough equivalent for "in memoriam."
林公 Lin Gong, Master Lin.
諱 huī (smaller character) signifies "taboo" which may mean that the name is an altered version of the real name, out of respect. But a real genealogist would know.
文取 Wénqǔ Personal name.
奎霞 Kuíxiá Personal name (almost certainly female)
I've been doing this more for my own benefit. I'm interested in learning about Chinese genealogy.
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Hi Carl, 考是指父親,妣是指母親,但是通常在墓碑上的顯考是指男性,顯妣是指女性,而且必須是50歲以上的死者. 50歲以下死的稱先考、先妣。
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謝謝老師執教! 很有意思! 我在中國旅遊,沒看過多少墳墓,也沒有機會學到這樣的知識.
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